Congratulations to the students who have been named to the Carthage College Dean’s List in recognition of their outstanding academic achievement!

Dean’s List honors are accorded to Carthage students who achieve a minimum 3.5 grade-point average while carrying at least 12 letter-graded credits in a given semester.

There is a Dean’s List for each academic semester. The list is released approximately a month after the end of a semester’s grading period. This timing allows for end-of-semester activities, including grading, grade reporting, grade changes, and the clearing of any incomplete assignments.

Once the Dean’s List is finalized, Carthage College issues news releases to students’ hometown newspapers and awards virtual badges through our Merit platform. Visit your student’s Merit page at

FALL 2024 Dean’s LIST

Past Lists

Have you spotted something on our Dean’s List in need of correction? Please let us know, and we’ll get it fixed as soon as possible! Please contact the Office of the Registrar at 262-551-6100. Thank you!

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